In support and responce efforts COVID-19, the is a list of links to information and resources below.
Please click on the links
Coronavirus (COVID-19): Resources for Law Enforcement [Resource by the Police Foundation]
Corona Virus Disease 2019 for Law Enforcement [Resource by the Police Foundation]
What Law Enforcement Personnel Need to Know about Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) [Resource by CDC]
Covid-19 Information for Law Enforcement [Fact Sheet by the International Association of Chiefs of Police]
Responding to the COVID-19 Coronavirus [Resource by Police Executive Research Forum]
Indian police use force on lockdown violators [CNN]
UK police use drones and roadblocks to enforce lockdown [The Guardian]
South Africa deploys police and army to enforce 3-week coronavirus lockdown [CNBC]
Coronavirus crisis leads to steep drop in recorded crime [The Guardian]
Fed Rescue Package Will Steer $850 Million to Local Police, Jails [The Crime Report]