In support and responce efforts COVID-19, the is a list of links to information and resources below.
Please click on the links
Interim Guidance on Management of Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) in Correctional and Detention Facilities [Resource by CDC]
BOP COVID-19 Overview [Article by the Federal Bureau of Prisons]
BOP Implementing Modified Operations [Operation Conditions by the Federal Bureau of Prisons]
Response to Covid-19 in Prisons [Resource by the Internation Corrections and Prison Association]
Covid-19 Corrections [Resource by American Correctional Association *Free Log-in Required*]
Crisis Management Response Plan 2020 [Resource by American Correctional Association *Free Log-in Required*]
Coronavirus Disease 2019 Staff Screening Tool [Resource by American Correctional Association *Free Log-in Required*]
Prison Riots in Colombia Over Virus Fears Leave at Least 23 Dead [New York Times]
Prisoners Riot in Luxembourg Jail After Ban on Visitors [Bloomberg]
Bogota Prison Riot Over CCP Virus Kills Nearly 2 Dozen [Epoch Times]
How the coronavirus is igniting riots, releases and crackdowns in world’s prisons [Washington Post]
Singapore Threatens Prison for Close Encounters in Stringent Virus Measures [US News]
Afghanistan to release up to 10,000 prisoners to slow coronavirus spread [The Jakarta Post]